Friday, November 18, 2011

Double Sided Sticky Tape...

There's a lot you all know about me, but also a lot you all don't know about me. You know I was anorexic for awhile. You know I love volleyball and track. You know I love my dog very much. Did I ever talk about how I really want to be a model? If I didn't, I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. Well, I really want to become a model one day. Don't laugh. It hurts to know that I'm most likely never going to be a model. But I want to. And I think that's okay. I'm 5 foot 7 inches, roughly 120 lbs. I'm not afraid of my body anymore. Personally, I don't give a damn if you tell me it's gross or whatever. I think that's fine for me. I'm tall, thin, and awkward. I like hot cocoa and Teen Vogue. I read Seventeen like there's no tomorrow., well, that's another story. It's like my bible.

So this contest I speak of, it sounds really interesting. But I'm not sure that they're looking for a girl like me. The way they say it, they sound like they're looking for a plus size girl who would normally be shunned away by castings. I don't even know if they'd even consider me, but I want to try. What do you think? Do you think I have a chance at this? The prize is a trip to NYC for a photo shoot that may be featured in Seventeen magazine, a modeling contrast with Wilhelmina Models, and $1,000. I think that's pretty good, don't you think? Do you guys think I have a chance at this?...

-Unknown Athena

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