Thursday, May 26, 2011

Childhood Reunion

Today was half great, half terrible. I'll start with the terrible so you leave with something to hopefully be smiling about.
I. Hate. RETAINERS. My teeth & gums are still sore, and I swear if they don't get any better I'll have to resort to freaking baby food! Well, than again, I've heard that baby food isn't half bad. Anyone remember how baby food tastes?? Also, I'm developing a sore throat, so I'm not only thirsty but also barely able to speak. Joy -______-
But on the bright side, I had a great Health class. So we all finished our projects, right, and we were bored in the computer lab. Randomly, I thought of my childhood, and how much I missed it! I know, I know, I'm only 13, so I'm still like a child all all, but I'm talking about the 5-10 years old part; with the Club Penguin and Webkinz and Neopets... OH THE DAYS! I used my cousins account for Webkinz, and somehow I remembered my Club Penguin info, so I was in this total trance of childhood memories. So much stuff changed... Have you ever had a day like this before?

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I get to meet my "big buddy" tomorrow to help me through high school. Think of Junior year tour guides. I can't wait :)

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