Monday, May 23, 2011

I hate this... A lot...

Does anyone feel the same way? About rejection, that is. R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N, rejection. By definition (taken from Wikipedia):
"... in psychology, an interpersonal situation that occurs when a person or group of people exclude an individual from a social relationship"
Doesn't it sound just lovely?... Not. I mean, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would be, because a few of my friends and even a bit of myself thought that I'd get rejected anyways, but still... How does one face the truth? I pretty much confessed! A re-worded freaking confession! Well, I said "as friends," so does it count as a confession? I hope not, or this could get awkward. At least it's not like I'm now part of a small section of those who've been rejected. A lot of people have been rejected, considering how many people have asked someone. Well, then again, it's just an 8th grade boat dance, nothing big, like Senior Prom :/...

Unknown Athena

P.S. I tried Chinese food for the first time in months! And I'm not talking about the diet menu, the REAL DEAL, covered-in-oil crap. And it actually tasted okay, until the guilt came in... Hate guilt...

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