Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Flip Floppin' in the Blog-O-Sphere

Hehehe... I got another blog. I have maybe, three or four by now, but this one, I like. It's on wordpress, so it's almost as cool as blogspot. But tumblr, eeeek! I got a tumblr maybe a week or two ago, and it's so boring! First, you can't even find anyone (the search bar is totally useless in my opinion), and then, it takes forever to navigate the deep blue site! Haha, get it? Deep blue site, because it has a blue background, and it's site instead of sea? LOL I AM HILARIOUS. Just kidding I'm just a 14 year old who loves to blog. Oh, and take pictures. Can never forget about my lovely camera (who also doubles as a buddy when I'm bored and in a pretty place), and my hundreds of pictures piling up on the 4 GB memory card...

So, about that blog I was talking about... It's going to be an eco-blog where I pretty much rant about how the United States needs to be more eco-conscious about their actions and some facts and possibly DIY's here and there. I call it "Cellophane Grass", after that icky plastic grass they stick into those Easter Baskets for little kids (and regressing teenagers) that call themselves grass. Hello people, just get your own freaking grass!

Hope you enjoy it!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I'm still going to use this blog, but I'll be off for a month for camp, so if I don't post, I'm kinda, sorta, gone! :\

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