Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm so scared, please help

I come home from a fun, happy sleepover. To what, you may ask? My mom on the phone, with my therapist, talking about possibly admitting me back; to the hospital. I think I may kill someone. Not literally, but you know what I mean. She then called my nutritionist, and talked for awhile. And since I was sad and knew I need to gain, I ate half a box of Trefoils and some hot cocoa. Maybe that was a bad idea, because now my mom thinks I'm going to be bulimic or something. But like I would throw up! That's so nasty. Just because your body does it, it's fine, but if you make yourself; that's nasty. And it can disintegrate your uvula, and decay your teeth. Yeah, that's gross. Don't do it, I've seem my fair share of pictures on the web. So can you help me? I'm going to have a "conference" (most likely them discussing me getting in while I cry or something stupid) on Monday. How do I gain so much weight without it looking suspicious?!

-Unknown Athena

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