Saturday, April 2, 2011

What comes up must come down... To like, China!

No racism on China! It's just an expression! You know, like when you were a little kid and thought you could dig to China? Yeah, that's what I meant. Annnnnnnnyways, this post has nothing to do with China, but I needed a cool title to go with this. Moving on...
My life is currently a hell-hole, place, whatever. I had to call the police earlier today on my brother because he was getting crazy about not wanting to get off his xBox. He was screaming, crying, cursing, threatening, breaking stuff... My mom tried to break his xBox, but sadly failed and it works like a charm. My brother broke his cell phone, which was pretty broken before. The police officer talked to him for awhile, but none of the stuff she said seemed to get into his head. A few minutes later, he was back on, screaming into the screen, as if those pixel-ized soldiers actually existed. I sense an addiction... Hmm... After that, I felt depressed and hung out with some friends. (Hey, that's better then crying in my room, right?) Now I'm just waiting for my mom and dog (they're at Petsmart doing that dog-training thing) to come home so I can make dinner, yes, I make the dinners about 75% of the time now, and go see my friend perform at the library.

Any suggestions to calm down my ADHD-anxiety-stressed-twin brother?
-Unknown Athena

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