*"Unbidden, the word violate popped into my head. 'It's like bone rape. Oh God, did I just say that out loud?'"
*Of course the cow I got marrow from had a fairly crappy life- lots of crowds and 0vermedication and bland food that might or might not have been a relative." (Sounds a lot like America, don't you think?
* "'It's like eating life. It's almost like eating my own life, you know?' 'No, not really. But it's a hell of a good steak, sis.'"
... And that's just two pages. Think of the other grotesque and/or funny lines in the other 307 pages? Why is reading about other peoples lives so much more fun than your own? Seriously, it's true. Don't deny it. Unless you're highly famous, or extremely rich. Then I'll let you off the hook. Other than that, it's undeniably true.
For me, and probably the rest of the youth of New York, school starts in 6 days. Six. Miniscule. Days. How did summer go by so fast? Oh joy, Wake Me Up When September Ends is echoing in the back of my head. Not what I planned but okay.
What did you guys do this summer? Vacation in tropical locations? Get bitten to death by mosquitoes in sleep-away camp? Doze the days away? Study? (the last one was a joke. honestly) I went to camp, which explains why there's a good month-long chunk of time blank where blog posts were supposed to go. No exotic vacations. No cute tell-tale romances (or any romances for that matter). No plastic-encased memories from ridiculously overpriced gift shops. Just some pictures on my camera and a bunch of new friends. :-)
-Unknown Athena