Sunday, January 29, 2012

A little Goddess Has Returned to Mt. Olympus :(

R.I.P. Miley, the world's kindest guinea pig. May she enjoy her new life in the heavens with her past friends, Jack-Jack and Pizza.

Born: June 27th, 2006
Died: January 28th, 2012 11:45 p.m.

This picture was taken at the beginning of the summer of 2011. She was always such a cutie :)
I'm gonna miss her so much. No, she was not named after Miley Cyrus. I swear she wasn't! I remember the day I got her like it was just yesterday...
It was the beginning of my 4th grade year; me and my good friend Julianna went to the pet store one town over to look at the guinea pigs. The first guinea pig I held was cute, but he had bitten my mom, so she said no to that one. The next guinea pig I held was Miley. She was cute and skittish. I bought her for $30.00, and she was worth every single penny. Because I wanted her to be comfortable with her new home, I came late to the pumpkin scooping that my girl scout troop helped out at. She was small, and always was. I liked to call her a "petite piggle". She was with me through it all: elementary school graduation, first year in middle school, my parent's divorce (and all of their numerous fights and arguments), and middle school graduation. I hoped that she would make it towards Valentines Day, to my 15th birthday, to the last day of my freshman year. But she didn't make it. She died last night.
She suddenly fell sick on Friday night. She became so weak that she couldn't drink from her water bottle; I had to feed her water with a dropper. But her last day was not bad. That morning I changed her cage, gave her a bath, gave her her favorite foods (carrots and lettuce!), and let her cuddle with Pookie, her buddy. Pookie is four years old. Miley was a little over 5 and a half years old. She looked more fragile than ever in her last few hours. I cried all that morning, thinking it would be her last. I couldn't believe that it was. Last night I couldn't even cry when my mom and I found her lifeless in her new, clean cage. All the tears had left already. We buried her this afternoon in a shoebox with her favorite toy; one of those little clapper things that would make a clapping sound when you shook it back and forth. She would bite the part where your hand would go and throw her head up and down. It was both the cutest and funniest thing I had ever seen in my life. Her gravestone is her wooden hutch. I wrote her information down in Sharpie so when time goes by, people will still see who she was. She rests in my backyard with my parakeet Pizza. Hopefully she will be able to catch up with her in the Heavens and on Mt. Olympus. Hopefully she gets all the fresh grass she wants in a long, rolling field. Hopefully she has access to a huge vegetable garden full of carrots, lettuce, cucumbers, and kale, as well as a big apple tree that produces big, red apples of all shades. Let her soul rest in peace. I will love her forever and always. I love you, Miley.

Okay I need to stop typing of I'm gonna cry my eyes out,
Unknown Athena

Friday, January 20, 2012

No Pain, No Game

Joy. I have a stomach ache. It hurts. I'm sad. I'm tired. I feel like a whiny brat. Ulh. No me gusta PMSing. I've been eating pretty well this week; my nutritionist seems a bit happier about my weight, even though I only gained like, two ounces this week. I would post a picture of a scale or an apple or a happy face but NO, that my friend is copyright infringement, and I could get my blog shut down. I think when the Mayans prophesized the end of the world being 2012, I think they ment the free internet. Evil Lamar S. Smith just had to start the dumb SOPA. I know I know, it's all about stopping piracy, but I don't want all my social networks to perish! This a generation that pretty much depends on technology for everything, and if Tumblr, Twitter, Blogspot, dA, Facebook, Flickr, etc. get shut down, I'm gonna cry. CRY MY EYES OUT. There won't be any Shane Dawson! There won't be any using of Wikipedia to aid my homework slumps! And there WON'T BE ANY FUNNY PICTURES COMING UP ON MY TUMBLR DASHBOARD! Let's just say I like my Tumblr very much. It's like Ativan; an escape from my BS reality I call life. Oh gods and godesses above, did you know this was going to happen? Why didn't you tell me? :(

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, January 14, 2012

New Motivation: PB + Pretzels = LOVE

Hey guys, so, I had an interesting Friday the 13th:
*I lost my iPod Touch
*My friend cracked her iPod Touch screen
*My other friend got morning detention on a G day, the one day where school starts about 45 minutes later than normal.

The good news is, I've located my iTouch. It's near my town's middle school, hopefully locked up in the main office, not some kid's locker. I absolutely flipped out when I lost it. It's not cheap, those Apple iPods. But I've e-mailed the school describing my iPod and if it's found, give it back! It has an engraving too, so that further supports it being mine. I hope I get it back soon!

On another note, I have more motivation to gain weight. My mom bought me those peanut butter-pretzel sandwich things that are the $h!t to end all $h!t. No joke, I'm addicted. I'm eating them as I type. Even though it's filled with fat (140 cals, 60 from fat; 7 grams fat, 2g sat. fat, 2 grams sugar and 4 grams protein per 9 sandwich serving), it's still addictive. Hopefully my weight goes up a bit so I can get those damn doctors off my tail. It's better than having butter, because at least I'm having a little bit of protein :-\ And only 2 grams of sugar! That's not as bad as having, I dunno, chocolate or something. I've had like, two and a half serving. Ulh, I feel fat. And tired. I slept legit, all day, but I'm still tired. Goodnight goddesses! Enjoy your three day weekends!

-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

To be or not to be, THAT is the question

This week I've been debating whether or not I consider myself to be pro-ana. I finally realized what the term "pro-ana" means a month or so ago; it means to be for anorexia. My former self was all for it, and I almost killed myself with the damn disease! But now that I'm recovering, I'm not so sure what I think of it. Anorexia is no joke. Anorexia can't just be erased. I still sometimes think of fasting or dieting or over-exersizing or giving away my food (which I still do... sometimes). I know it's not good and I shouldn't be doing it, but I can't help it. The ED (eating-disorder) still manifests within myself. I still pick the "safe" foods over the fatty, other choices, but I at least know that I'm doing something wrong. Look up the song "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin' Park. That song pretty much sums up how I felt pre-hospital, pre-relapse, and every now and again. Uuuuuulh my mind is spinning and I really don't like it!
-Uknown Athena
P.S. I have so much homework! I have Japanese, science, math, and a TON of English homework! Wish me luck while I bust my goddess-booty finishing it all while watching my guilty pleasure, Cupcake Wars :-)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

3 Pounds...

I LOST 3 POUNDS I'M SO UPSET! Normally I would be happy about this but my nutritionist was going to say I would only come every other week or once a month for me! But then somehow I lost 3 pounds over winter break, despite the fact that I ate a ton of food. And no, it was not all diet "safe" foods. Think fat in fat in fat; that's what I felt like I was eating. This irritates me so much! Now I'm about 8 pounds below my goal weight of 125 lbs, not 5 pounds like it was before. Grr. And my "assignment" for the week is to use full-fat salad dressing. I hate having to eat fats, but I did it already. I just had some salad with full fat ranch dressing (Sucks to your as-mar now!! Sorry I say that a lot. Thanks Lord of the Flies...) Now I'm waiting for the main course for tonight: turkey meatloaf with sweet potato and carrots. Even though most people dislike meatloaf, it's not half bad. And because it's turkey meatloaf, it's a lot less fat then using beef. I don't eat beef, anyways. I literally had to pick out all the pieces of beef from my lasagna during my Christmas dinner. Usually I'm not a picky person but for my sanity I must!

Enjoy your evening everyone! Get some sleep to! We gods and goddesses need our beauty sleep, you know...
-Unknown Athena
P.S. I got an 83/100 on my essay for English. I'm so pissed off. I worked my a** off on that evil essay! I think I deserve better than an 83. Plus, it was the honors version of the essay. You need to get above a 93 to have an "H" next to the English 9 credit (H=Honors) on your transcript. Now it won't look as good! And I want to go to RISD for college, so I need every "H" I can get!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

Sorry this is a bit late, but, Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a splendid vacation (if you had one) and ate lots of yummy foods and had lots of fun. I went to my grandpa's house, then went to my great aunt & uncles house, then went back to my grandpa's house. Slept there. Went home. It was pretty good, I think. I got to see my cousins whom I haven't seen in awhile (by awhile I mean at least 2-3 years), and some other relatives.

We had super-Italian food; lasagna (I had to pick out the pieces of meat because I don't eat red meat), eggplant parm., salad with Italian dressing, ham, chicken, and a hell-of-a-lot-of dessert. There were cookies, upon cookies upon cookies; cakes and cupcakes and pie and tea and coffee and tarts and chocolates and chocolate dipped fruits and carbs alike. It was crazy. Oh, and grapes. Good ol' grapes. I had a ton of them, since they were one of the healthier choices. My mom was so mad when I came home and told her that. She was all like "You should've had more cake and pie and cookies! You need to gain weight!". My response: "I KNOW ALREADY!". It's true. I know I need to gain weight, but knowing and acting are two very different things.

Hope you all have some new years resolutions! I'll post mine sometime soon!
-Unknown Athena