Saturday, November 19, 2011

Silver Award!

Another thing I'm not quite sure I've mentioned on here: I'm a girl scout. Still. Laugh all you want, because I've been a girl scout for eight years, I think. Since first grade. I'm in 9th grade. So yeah, eight years. I got my "Bronze Award" in 6th grade or something. Apparently all of this stuff looks good on you resume and college applications, so that's the main reason I'm still in girl scouts. Also, I need at least 25 hours or community service before I graduate, so girl scouts is pretty much an easy "A" for that. But I think that if you get like, 25 hours every yeas, or something, you get a better diploma or something like that.

Back to girl scouts, I just earned my Silver Award. Tomorrow I have to go to the girl scout counsal and attend the "Silver Award Seremony", which I'm pretty sure is just a three hour waste of my time. They call up every girl, one by one, to get a little plastic pin painted silver. It's awful, I've heard. Now I have to waste three or more hours of my time when I could be studying. I have three tests this week, and I'm not so confident that I'll ace them all. Especially global history. We're having a Greek geography quiz, and I'm not so good at labeling things on a map, let alone memorize the names of all the places!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I did enter the contest I had talked about earlier. Wish me luck! :)
P.P.S. I had three slices of my dad's homemade pizza without guilt. My nutritionist will be so happy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Double Sided Sticky Tape...

There's a lot you all know about me, but also a lot you all don't know about me. You know I was anorexic for awhile. You know I love volleyball and track. You know I love my dog very much. Did I ever talk about how I really want to be a model? If I didn't, I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. Well, I really want to become a model one day. Don't laugh. It hurts to know that I'm most likely never going to be a model. But I want to. And I think that's okay. I'm 5 foot 7 inches, roughly 120 lbs. I'm not afraid of my body anymore. Personally, I don't give a damn if you tell me it's gross or whatever. I think that's fine for me. I'm tall, thin, and awkward. I like hot cocoa and Teen Vogue. I read Seventeen like there's no tomorrow., well, that's another story. It's like my bible.

So this contest I speak of, it sounds really interesting. But I'm not sure that they're looking for a girl like me. The way they say it, they sound like they're looking for a plus size girl who would normally be shunned away by castings. I don't even know if they'd even consider me, but I want to try. What do you think? Do you think I have a chance at this? The prize is a trip to NYC for a photo shoot that may be featured in Seventeen magazine, a modeling contrast with Wilhelmina Models, and $1,000. I think that's pretty good, don't you think? Do you guys think I have a chance at this?...

-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You were only waiting for this moment to arrive...

... Not really. Falling on my face in the middle of a semi-crowded hallway is not something I really was waiting for. So yeah, I fell on my face. Like a baby. Why? My shoes. My stupid, skater-looking DC's are the ones to blame. More specifically, the laces. They're like, as long as my height, completely unlaced. Even when they're tied, they still drag along at least a foot or so. There were a bunch of Juniors and Seniors in the hall because they had second lunch, so that was pretty embarrassing. Luckily one of the girls in Art Club came over and helped me up. She's really nice, that girl. She's that kind of person that you could never hate because she seems so pure. Not many people like that exist, sadly, and I am not one of them. Not saying that I'm a mean person, I'm just not that obvious.

My knees are still sore, and they look like they're starting to bruise. During study hall, which was the next period, I cut my laces super-short and tied the ends together, because one of my friends freaked out. "No! Not the aglets!" He said. I don't remember how to spell "aglets", but that's how it sounds. It's that little plastic seal at the ends of shoe laces. Well, they went bye-bye! HAHA!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. My inspiration for the title was Blackbird, if you couldn't tell >.< Yay Beatles! I love them so much!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


It's been a whole freaking month since Pottermore came out to the public. And guess what? They STILL haven't let me sign up! These liars! And just because I missed the English-speaking beta survey by only four days, now I can pretty much never get on, unless I want to try to figure out what the heck they're writing in Spanish... UGH!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Pottermore people, if you are reading this... HELP ME! I'm trapped in a Pottermore-less world!

Racking in the Cash!

Yay I'm officially a babysitter! This is my first ever job!! Today I took two girls to the movie theatre and watched Puss in Boots (thank Athena it wasn't 3D! 3D ruins movies!). Their parents went out for dinner or something. The girl's parents paid for my ticket, so I only had to buy some ice cream afterward. And I got $40! AND I got Modelland! Success! Yeah, let's just say I'm quite a happy kid... And I absolutely love Tyra Banks. She's my role model. I really want to be like her when I grow up!
Yesterday I went to the nutritionist and she said in the near future I might be about to substitute one of my two Ensure Plus's with legit food! Less Ensure Plus = A happy Unknown Athena! This weekend is going pretty darn well, besides the fact that I have a ton of homework and I only got four hours of sleep last night. -____- At least all my quarterly exams are done... For now...

-Unknown Athena

P.S. What was your first job?

Monday, November 7, 2011

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'Kay, so I really should have posted more this week. New goal: to stop procrastinating and get my homework done so I can blog more! I like this idea, don't you?
So tomorrow I have no school: I LOVE parent-teacher conference day! Hahaha, that was a joke. SO far I think I've failed my geometry quarterly exam, and did a really crappy job in my Spanish exam today. Usually I'm a good Spanish student, a 96% average or something like that, but I just did NOT remember anything today. My mind went blank. Ulhhhhh! STRESS!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. On the bright side, I'm maintaining my current weight! My nutritionist is worried but as long as I'm not losing weight it's all good to me! :-)