Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Beginnings

I feel so happy today, besides the fact that it was a gazillion degrees outside. Delilah was sitting with me outside while I was studying for my Living Environment Regents. My dad came over and made us some pizza. It hurt my teeth a lot (my teeth are still sore with the retainers -___-), but it tasted really yummy so I kinda disregarded the pain. After that we went to the rummage sale at one of the churches in town. I got a few picture books (Peter Rabbit! My childhood, in short!), a capelette, a shirt, a pair of Pink pajama bottoms, and a handkerchief. Today, in short, was great.

-Unknown Athena

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Childhood Reunion

Today was half great, half terrible. I'll start with the terrible so you leave with something to hopefully be smiling about.
I. Hate. RETAINERS. My teeth & gums are still sore, and I swear if they don't get any better I'll have to resort to freaking baby food! Well, than again, I've heard that baby food isn't half bad. Anyone remember how baby food tastes?? Also, I'm developing a sore throat, so I'm not only thirsty but also barely able to speak. Joy -______-
But on the bright side, I had a great Health class. So we all finished our projects, right, and we were bored in the computer lab. Randomly, I thought of my childhood, and how much I missed it! I know, I know, I'm only 13, so I'm still like a child all all, but I'm talking about the 5-10 years old part; with the Club Penguin and Webkinz and Neopets... OH THE DAYS! I used my cousins account for Webkinz, and somehow I remembered my Club Penguin info, so I was in this total trance of childhood memories. So much stuff changed... Have you ever had a day like this before?

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I get to meet my "big buddy" tomorrow to help me through high school. Think of Junior year tour guides. I can't wait :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Freedom! Or so I thought...

Alright, let's set this straight. Braces suck. 'Kay? Nice... So I got the dang things off today, after having them for almost a year (In your face Olivia!!), and to my disappointment; retainers. Or as I like to call them, restrainers. Legit, they restrain you from a lot of things. A.K.A. gum, granola, apples, comfort! They currently hurt as hell, and I haven't even had them on for 8 hours! The orthodontist drilled a little hole on my top retainer so I can "play with it with my tongue", but it's not that addictive... Okay I lied, it's very fun to play with it. It just hurts. Like, a lot. I kinda want to take some Aspirin or Tylenol; just something to keep the pain away!!

Hating plastic and metal,
Unknown Athena

P.S. I just realized how good of an excuse this is to not eat as much! But than again... All the more reason to drink even more Ensure Plus. *shudders*

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a Battlefield...

... Facebook, that is. If you didn't know already, I'm not too popular at school. And for whatever reason, most of the girls in my grade think I'm like, mentally disabled or just hate me like hell. Is my comment that bad? Really. I just said one dress might not look so good on something, and then 86 (yeah, eight-effing-SIX) comments come up bitching to me about how mean I am. Geez, it's just a comment.
The "popular" kids remind me of robots; they're heartless. They fake every emotion I've ever seen, and sarcasm seems to be their first language. I'm not quite sure what I ever did to them that makes them want me to kill myself, but it's getting really old. And yeah, it does hurt. In a way I kinda wish they could say it to my face, because it's way better then them [the "popular" girls] hiding behind their little laptops and iPods throwing me their insecurities. Oh, and popular girls, if you're reading this, just say it. Say how much you freaking hate me. Go on, say it. You guys are acting really silly. It's like cyber-bullying, which is overrated, in my opinion. And if you don't like me, then why are you "friends" with me on Facebook in the first place?

-Unknown Athena

Monday, May 23, 2011

I hate this... A lot...

Does anyone feel the same way? About rejection, that is. R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N, rejection. By definition (taken from Wikipedia):
"... in psychology, an interpersonal situation that occurs when a person or group of people exclude an individual from a social relationship"
Doesn't it sound just lovely?... Not. I mean, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would be, because a few of my friends and even a bit of myself thought that I'd get rejected anyways, but still... How does one face the truth? I pretty much confessed! A re-worded freaking confession! Well, I said "as friends," so does it count as a confession? I hope not, or this could get awkward. At least it's not like I'm now part of a small section of those who've been rejected. A lot of people have been rejected, considering how many people have asked someone. Well, then again, it's just an 8th grade boat dance, nothing big, like Senior Prom :/...

Unknown Athena

P.S. I tried Chinese food for the first time in months! And I'm not talking about the diet menu, the REAL DEAL, covered-in-oil crap. And it actually tasted okay, until the guilt came in... Hate guilt...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Alright, I haven't posted in what, over a month?! I'm crazy, and I'm really sorry. But, I can explain. I actually have a few reasons, and maybe you'll understand a bit. Yes? No? Well then...

1) My laptop died. I'm not talking about the battery. It just died. It's being evil on me. But the poor thing's lived a long life since 2003. First it was my dad's laptop for work, and it got worked to death. Then somehow it became mine, and it was a pretty good laptop, nix all the Trogen-virus-things it's had in it's lifetime. But now, may it rest in peace... Until I can think of a way to fix it.

2) School. I have three regents to prepare for. A "Living Environment" Regent (A.K.A. a fancy-shancy way of saying "Biology"), an "Intergraded (Can't spell it...) Algebra" one, and a "Spanish 1" one. And I wasn't for school in two weeks (I'll explain in #3), so when I came back to school I was a dumb blond in Harvard; confused.

3) I relapsed. I relapsed, I relapsed I FREAKING RELAPSED. I didn't want to. I didn't even fully try. It just happened. And I went back. For three freaking weeks. And on the Monday of Spring Break, too. Life is just not fair my fellow cyber-surfers. Not. Effing. FAIR.

Every day at that "prison", I like to call it, was exasperatingly painful. I mean, I did have some fun times, coloring and making bracelets and playing dumb with the doctors, but in total, it pretty much sucked. And the last two days before my discharge, I was crying. I was in freaking HYSTERICS. I was so scared. Scared that I may relapse. Scared that I'd miss all the regents, or fail them. Or not go to the Boat Dance (the 8th grade equivalent of a prom), or even graduate middle school. The school that everyone graduates. But that was just me thinking of worst-case scenarios, so hopefully none of that happens. And I already got my boat dance dress, so if I can't go I may as well kill someone.

Happy Killings,
Unknown Athena

P.S. I'm really sorry, about not posting. The hospital doesn't have computers!!
P.P.S. In happy news, my apple plant is like, a foot tall. And has lots of leaves. YAY!!!