Thursday, December 29, 2011

Theatres and Fat-People-Food

Hey guys! You guessed it; I went to the movies today. Me and my friend, let's call her Z, went to see that movie Tintin, but not in 3D. 3D ruins movies, so 2D was the way to go. It was also the only way the movie theatre showed the movie, so... Yeah. She's lost a lot of weight, and she looks lovely. I'm still puzzled how she can eat "normal people" food without guilt; buttery movie popcorn, sugar-loaded candies, smoothies, ice cream, etc. It's amazing, but I can't do it. She got a small popcorn and her sibling got sour patch kids. I had roughly a smll handful, and regretted it. It may be popcorn, one of the "diet foods", but it was movie style. Movie style = FAT FAT FATITTY FAT FAT FATTED. No, I do not care if "fatted" and "fatitty" are not in the English language... Yet (LOL was added to the English dictionary, as well as Teboing; the act of kneeling down on one knee, putting your fist to your forehead, and praying). 'Still doesn't shake away the fact that I had sodium-saturated, fat-laden food. I wish I could work out, but my mom checks on me every ten minutes or so because I was catagorized as a "compulsive exercizer"when I was admitted to the hospital, among other things. SO, she can't let me alone for ten minutes without thinking I'm doing push ups or crunches or whatever. I need help. How can I work out?! And gym class does not count. Gym is a joke to me, legit. Ulh, I want to get back to working out, and playing sports, but that leads to relapsing, and I'd rather not relapse again :(

Bleh, no me gusta!
-Unknown Athena

Saturday, December 24, 2011

oh the irony!

Funny how these thimgs come to be. This year for Christmas, my dad got me an Amazon kindle. Right before he gave it to me, I had told him i wouldn't want a kindle. Now I feel bad because he got me a kindle :( what should I do? I probably hurt his feelings really bad!!!

So scared, EEP!

I'm nervous. It's Christmas Eve. I'm going to my grandpa's house, and it may be his last. He's 87 years old, and though I hate to think about it, he may not be around much longer. Also, my dad is cooking. We were originally going to go out to a diner to eat (where I could get a salad with grilled chicken or some other healthy alternative to greasy-fatty food), but apparently the diner closes at 3 pm, so now I'm going to have to keep my cool while consuming 1500+ calories from my dads completely authentic Italian food. He uses whole-milk cheeses and everything. Olive oil (it's good for you, but I'm still fearing those damn lipids), whole milk cheese, fried chicken cutlets... Oh Gods! I really hope I can pull through. I'm seeing family who have heard about my anrexia-episode too, so they're probably going to force me to eat a lot. EEP HELP ME! I'm worried!

-Unknown Athena
P.S. This probably won't post because I'm using my mom's laptop and my brother will never get off the "family" computer, so this may or may not go up after I actually wrote the post. Sorry Gods and Goddesses :(
P.P.S. Happy Holidays everyone!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just keep Typing, Just keep Typing...

Hey all! Currently in in school working on an English research project. I just finished the things I had to do, but now there's nothing else I need to do here! I gave out a lot of gifts today, and my friends are really happy. One of them was tearing up, which made me tear up. Don't you love the feeling when someone is genuinely happy with what you did? I've just experianced another first, and it feels really sweet! Last night I stayed up untill 11:30 pm making snickerdoodles and cards for my friends. My really good friends got scarves and hats that I made them, and now they're wearing them around school! :) I'm so happy beyond belief! And it's almost Christmas. Last Christmas I was in the hospital, which sucked arse. But this year, that's not going to happen. I will stay strong and fight the ED! For Christmas I'm going to see my dad's family (he's the Christian one, my mom's Jewish), which will be interesting. Some of them I haven't seen in over two years. Two freaking years! I miss them a lot. I can't wait to see them! Oh, and happy 3rd night of Hannukah to those who celebrate :) My family finished the latkes me and my mom made last night; they were really good! We baked them instead of frying them, so they're way less fattening ^___^.

If I don't write until after Christmas, I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and a wonderful New Year!

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Stress and Sickness

Ulh I had to miss Friday because of my stupid sickness! I have the flu, and it is not fun at all. I slept for a good majority of the day, and then today, I had to help my mom clean out her closet. She's getting our bathroom redone or something, and putting in a shower, too. No clue why, but, it's her house. Let me tell you; it was AWEFUL. My mom can't seem to give things away very easily, so a sick Goddess *cough cough me*, had to do a lot of negotiating. Finally, after hours, we got about 3 big garbage bags full of unwanted bags/purses/clothes/etc. to Goodwill. Hopefully people make use out of the stuff.

Oh, and I have an essay due Monday on the Lord of the Flies and a short story called the Sniper. Which I have barely started. And textbook work in both math and global history. Oh, and did I forget to mention that I have a vocabulary test on around 70 words on Friday and a unit test in Earth Science on Wednesday? Joy -_______________-. I'm FREAKING OUT!!

G'night Gods and Goddesses! We need our beauty sleep!

-Unknown Athena

(P.S. this was written Friday, but it wouldn't post, so...)

Sunday, December 11, 2011


So, my laptop's being a piece of poop... Again. My dad had spend MONTHS trying to fix it, but now it keeps crashing, so after an extremely long time of finding the moment when my brother's NOT on the computer, he finally gets up and does something productive (A.K.A. taking a shower). So now I am back for now, and I may post at will. The rest of November was good for me. Thanksgiving was small; my two cousins and aunt came over. It wasn't much but I made the stuffing myself ^^, and I made pumpkin pie pudding, which came out pretty good. Did I mention this stuff already to you guys? Sorry if I did...

And now it is December; the month of holidays; and shopping, and well... Getting fat. I'm getting a bit nervous for when Hanukkah comes around (fried latkes... *gulp*), and Christmas (my big fat Italian Christmas dinner = 12 courses... and dessert, can't forget that!), and New Years Eve (thank the Gods I don't drink and am underage!!). So I may gain (or drop) a few pounds, which means my groups of "-ists" will not be very happy. Or they'll be jumping with joy. Either way, it's gonna be a rough month.

But on the bright side, I just finished wrapping my pet's gifts: two "Nylabones" and a little bag of treats for Delilah, a toy and bird seed-treat-thing of Sunshine (my kamikaze-esque parakeet), and a nut/fruit/veggie treat for each of my two guinea pigs; Pookie and Miley. I honestly don't want much for Christmas, so I'm not going to ransack the house with my twin brother to look for our gifts this year. Last year was.... Different, so I'm going to get super-duper festive this holiday season! I even helped put up and decorate the tree, and make the train tracks around the tree. My dad was over and he put batteries in the old train cars... The ones that used batteries, anyways. Out of the twenty-or-so that my parents kept from my brother's childhood, only two were electric and could move themselves. The rest are wooden and have chipped paint. I feel so old when I look at them, but I'm only 14 years old! Eep!

-Unknown Athena

(P.S. This was written a week ago, but it wouldn't post, so...)

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Silver Award!

Another thing I'm not quite sure I've mentioned on here: I'm a girl scout. Still. Laugh all you want, because I've been a girl scout for eight years, I think. Since first grade. I'm in 9th grade. So yeah, eight years. I got my "Bronze Award" in 6th grade or something. Apparently all of this stuff looks good on you resume and college applications, so that's the main reason I'm still in girl scouts. Also, I need at least 25 hours or community service before I graduate, so girl scouts is pretty much an easy "A" for that. But I think that if you get like, 25 hours every yeas, or something, you get a better diploma or something like that.

Back to girl scouts, I just earned my Silver Award. Tomorrow I have to go to the girl scout counsal and attend the "Silver Award Seremony", which I'm pretty sure is just a three hour waste of my time. They call up every girl, one by one, to get a little plastic pin painted silver. It's awful, I've heard. Now I have to waste three or more hours of my time when I could be studying. I have three tests this week, and I'm not so confident that I'll ace them all. Especially global history. We're having a Greek geography quiz, and I'm not so good at labeling things on a map, let alone memorize the names of all the places!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I did enter the contest I had talked about earlier. Wish me luck! :)
P.P.S. I had three slices of my dad's homemade pizza without guilt. My nutritionist will be so happy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Double Sided Sticky Tape...

There's a lot you all know about me, but also a lot you all don't know about me. You know I was anorexic for awhile. You know I love volleyball and track. You know I love my dog very much. Did I ever talk about how I really want to be a model? If I didn't, I'm sorry I didn't say anything earlier. Well, I really want to become a model one day. Don't laugh. It hurts to know that I'm most likely never going to be a model. But I want to. And I think that's okay. I'm 5 foot 7 inches, roughly 120 lbs. I'm not afraid of my body anymore. Personally, I don't give a damn if you tell me it's gross or whatever. I think that's fine for me. I'm tall, thin, and awkward. I like hot cocoa and Teen Vogue. I read Seventeen like there's no tomorrow., well, that's another story. It's like my bible.

So this contest I speak of, it sounds really interesting. But I'm not sure that they're looking for a girl like me. The way they say it, they sound like they're looking for a plus size girl who would normally be shunned away by castings. I don't even know if they'd even consider me, but I want to try. What do you think? Do you think I have a chance at this? The prize is a trip to NYC for a photo shoot that may be featured in Seventeen magazine, a modeling contrast with Wilhelmina Models, and $1,000. I think that's pretty good, don't you think? Do you guys think I have a chance at this?...

-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

You were only waiting for this moment to arrive...

... Not really. Falling on my face in the middle of a semi-crowded hallway is not something I really was waiting for. So yeah, I fell on my face. Like a baby. Why? My shoes. My stupid, skater-looking DC's are the ones to blame. More specifically, the laces. They're like, as long as my height, completely unlaced. Even when they're tied, they still drag along at least a foot or so. There were a bunch of Juniors and Seniors in the hall because they had second lunch, so that was pretty embarrassing. Luckily one of the girls in Art Club came over and helped me up. She's really nice, that girl. She's that kind of person that you could never hate because she seems so pure. Not many people like that exist, sadly, and I am not one of them. Not saying that I'm a mean person, I'm just not that obvious.

My knees are still sore, and they look like they're starting to bruise. During study hall, which was the next period, I cut my laces super-short and tied the ends together, because one of my friends freaked out. "No! Not the aglets!" He said. I don't remember how to spell "aglets", but that's how it sounds. It's that little plastic seal at the ends of shoe laces. Well, they went bye-bye! HAHA!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. My inspiration for the title was Blackbird, if you couldn't tell >.< Yay Beatles! I love them so much!

Saturday, November 12, 2011


It's been a whole freaking month since Pottermore came out to the public. And guess what? They STILL haven't let me sign up! These liars! And just because I missed the English-speaking beta survey by only four days, now I can pretty much never get on, unless I want to try to figure out what the heck they're writing in Spanish... UGH!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Pottermore people, if you are reading this... HELP ME! I'm trapped in a Pottermore-less world!

Racking in the Cash!

Yay I'm officially a babysitter! This is my first ever job!! Today I took two girls to the movie theatre and watched Puss in Boots (thank Athena it wasn't 3D! 3D ruins movies!). Their parents went out for dinner or something. The girl's parents paid for my ticket, so I only had to buy some ice cream afterward. And I got $40! AND I got Modelland! Success! Yeah, let's just say I'm quite a happy kid... And I absolutely love Tyra Banks. She's my role model. I really want to be like her when I grow up!
Yesterday I went to the nutritionist and she said in the near future I might be about to substitute one of my two Ensure Plus's with legit food! Less Ensure Plus = A happy Unknown Athena! This weekend is going pretty darn well, besides the fact that I have a ton of homework and I only got four hours of sleep last night. -____- At least all my quarterly exams are done... For now...

-Unknown Athena

P.S. What was your first job?

Monday, November 7, 2011

( 7834 l89ldoE (#*^& (#*@YI D= <-- Cyber Vomit

'Kay, so I really should have posted more this week. New goal: to stop procrastinating and get my homework done so I can blog more! I like this idea, don't you?
So tomorrow I have no school: I LOVE parent-teacher conference day! Hahaha, that was a joke. SO far I think I've failed my geometry quarterly exam, and did a really crappy job in my Spanish exam today. Usually I'm a good Spanish student, a 96% average or something like that, but I just did NOT remember anything today. My mind went blank. Ulhhhhh! STRESS!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. On the bright side, I'm maintaining my current weight! My nutritionist is worried but as long as I'm not losing weight it's all good to me! :-)

Monday, October 31, 2011

This is Halloween, this is Halloween...

Happy Halloween everyone!! I can't believe Halloween's today, a MONDAY. And they closed school because the power is screwed up... And half our town isn't "safe for trick-or-treaters". Killjoy... I'm so pissed!! A lot of my friends have zero power, so I can't call them, or text them (did I tell you about my stupid phone incident?), or just contact them in general. None of them are on facebook or AIM or whatnot, so I guess I'll have to eat a bunch of popcorn and watch Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin all by myself on T.V. :|

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, October 29, 2011


'Kay, so a few things. One, I'm SO SORRY I haven't posted in like, a week and a half. I've been getting bombed with a bunch of homework, which is living hell. DO the teachers understand we have a life to live here? Seriously, it pisses me off. I have math homework and English homework almost every night. And my Spanish teacher, don't get me started. He's so annoying. He talks to us like we've never spoken Spanish before. We're in Spanish 2 for a reason! :|

Another thing, it's snowing. Snowing. In October. What is this madness?! And it's not that nice, fluffy snow, it's that icky wet snow that is living hell to drive in. I had to withstand giving my mom reassurence for an hour and a half driving less than five miles from our house because 1) she hates driving, 2) she hates driving in icky weather, and 3) she's really emotional and curses like there's no tomorrow when the brakes don't work. I'm seriously wondering how we didn't crash (we were pretty damn close though...). How is everyone supposed to trick-or-treat on Monday? My mom says the snow's gonna melt and the temperature's supposed to warm up, but still. It just doesn't feel right. This feels like the beginning of the end of the world. I've never seen snow fall before Thanksgiving, so when it snows before Halloween, well that's just plain strange. Does anyone else agree with me?

-Unknown Athena

P.S. This is kinda random, but do any of you believe that the world's going to end in 2012?
P.P.S. I tried my Ensure Plus warmed up in the microwave today. It surprisingly tasted a lot better then when it's served cold! So weird!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


... I don't have a costume!! This is not fun for me because I was invited to a Halloween Party by my friend, and I still don't have any plan on what to wear! I could be Athena... But that's a bit cheesy. I don't want to look like a slut (hello, they have a career section in the Halloween costumes for a reason!), but I don't want to look like Lindsey Lohan when she was in Mean Girls (A.K.A., the best chick flick ever). So what should I do? Gyah I hate stress and Halloween and homework and people and d80f4e7rpwev0fikt;74389vnkjkjtg78#$*(&POijhns7894aly*&!!

Enjoy Your Day!
-Unknown Athena
P.S. I'm posting this early only because it's a day off from school. No, I an NOT ditching!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Just Two More Weeks, No, LESS!

   Whoa... The volleyball season has gone by so fast. It seems like just yesterday I came into pre-season in my splatter-painted spandex and big orange camp shirt, expecting to be the top of the game. Oh that was hilarious!! We just had our 4th-to-last game. It was for breast cancer awareness. We played another school and the whole place was covered in a ton of pink stuff; pink balloons, pink streamers, pink cupcakes... Let's just say I'd rather not see any more pink for awhile. Both us (JV) and varsity won our games, which was awesome, and some people won stuff from the raffle. Some guy won a tanning gift card... LAWLZ.... I had two cookies, and this HUGE marshmallow that was covered in chocolate and dipped in orange and brown sprinkles... On a STICK. It was love, people. LOVE.
Have an awesome weekend!!
-Unknown Athena

Monday, October 10, 2011

Phone = X.x

Here's my casual rant about my phone: IT DIED IT DIED IT DIED IT DIED! Ugh that annoys me... I've only had my phone for two years, and I really don't want to get another one. My mom put that insurance-thing on my brothers phone, but not mine. His has been replaced multiple times (go figure), but mine, never. It's only had minor problems, but now it somehow got so messed up I want to cry!! Actually, no, I just kinda-sorta want to chuck it at a wall...

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Just don't do it, honestly.

So I've been sick for the past week, and finally gave in and didn't go to school yesterday (Friday). Had to miss varsity's game, and emailed my coach telling her that. She probably won't play me in the next game. But she always does that. She never plays me. Actually, she played me a few times, but in a blink of an eye I'm out. It sucks. I've thought of quitting multiple times, but the season's almost over. I can handle it. Only 5 games left, and I'm done.


Now onto what I really wanna talk about: eating disorders. Yeah, the thing I've had for a year or so, it's done for me, I hope. But not for everyone. Today, I found a whole new part of blogs that freak the crap out of me: ED blogs.
Ever seen 'em? Ya know, the ones with the girls who talk about their binges and purges, weight loss, life problems, all that jazz. It's depressing to look at. It's not even interesting. It's sad. It's something you pity in a person. "Oh, they have an eating disorder, that sucks," the worst part is that you can only comment on their posts and hope the harsh truth gets to them. There are these bloggers who think that wasting themselves skinny by starving themselves and purging TV dinners is totally the norm, and that someone will eventually will help them. Well guess what? They won't. No one is going to help these people with the click of the computer mouse. You have to put in some effort, girls (and guys). I put in my effort. I take those damn Ensure Plus's every freaking day. They taste nasty, yes, but do I drink all 350 of those artificial calories, twice a day? Yes. I want to be healthy, I don't want to starve myself dead. If you want your organs to eat each other, get heart attacks, and get yourself killed, go ahead. But feeling sorry for yourself won't do you any good...


Oh my GODDESS I finished my rant. Sorry about that, folks. I've just been really annoyed with this so I had to get it out of my system. As you can tell, I'm sick. I'm so sick that Ensure is starting to taste good! HELP ME!

-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New Year

Happy New Year to those who celebrate this lovely holiday! Tomorrow I'm going to my first-ever service! Well, I went to one before, maybe three years ago or something, but it was just a normal Saturday night one. I can't wait! I had a phase where I was totally mortified with the idea of death and no sort of afterlife (and still kinda do...), so I feel that trying out different religions can help me find one that I like best. I'm half Jewish-half Christian, but I like the idea of polytheism because to me, it's not fair that one being gets to rule everything. I feel that is unfair. How did they decide this? Why were we not included? That's my personal opinion, hate on it if you want :\

Have a great four-day-weekend!!
-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Volleyball is like the Fashion Industry: One Moment You're In, the Next You're OUT...

... All you volleyball players know it's true. Let's just say I had a bad day today... Actually I have time and you're my kind viewers, so I should explain myself. Okay, from the beginning. Here goes nothing:

*deep breath* So today we had an away game against this ghetto-y town where everyone thinks you're going to get raped or mugged (not really my opinion, but what-evs), and we all thought, hell we're gonna kick ass. Varsity lost real bad, which was depressing because I was super excited to see them win. We lost too, but not before me epically blanking out on my positions and ended up loosing like, four points and crying after being subbed out :\ I'm not the best player but I try hard, okay!! Then after a few of my teammates half-tried-half-didn't-give-a-damn cheered me up, and we lost. I think we could've won, but trust me, that team we pretty decent, and a hell-ova lot better then other teams we've played. I'm still upset, even with the New Year coming... Hopefully the New Year brings good fortune... *exhales*

-Unknown Athena

P.S. How do you guys deal with having bad playing days? I'd love the advice so I don't have another awk-o-taco episode :\

Friday, September 23, 2011

BUMP! SET! SPIKE! (NO, that was actually another SET)

On a serious note, I'm sorry I haven't posted in pretty much forever. Let's just say high school + volleyball + appointments + homework = recipe for no free time whatsoever. I currently don't like high school all too much. It's so... Boring. Nothing like in the movies with the mean girls and the drama and the ignorant teachers... It's so not what I expected!! But on a better note, both us (JV) and varsity volleyball won our homecoming games! They won 3/4 of the games they played (they play best 3 out of 5) and we won 2/2 (we usually play best 2 out of 3, but they wanted varsity to go so none of our spectators had to leave before varsity kicked arse). I also had to babysit a girl while doing all of this... Let's just say it was an interesting day. The football players watch our game (God knows why), and call out each hit we make. They failed most of the time, it was kinda funny, actually. And a lot of parents came and everyone cheered, and everyone except our opponents was super-happy... Spirit week is now over, and let the rest of the boring Freshman Year begin!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Did anyone else win their homecoming games in their sports? Hope so! ;)
P.P.S. My doctor said I'm "doing well" so I can play volleyball for the rest of the season (given that I keep my weight up... Which will so happen)!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I'm cold, so fall MUST be coming

Okay, so it is officially fall. To school, I wore jeans and a long sleeved shirt. Today, had to chase my dog (she frequently finds a way out... no clue why), in my pajamas, and fuzzy socks. I wanted to curl up in my bed again!! How are you guys facing the new coldness?

-Unknown Athena

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Do any of you remember the day 9/11? Somehow I only remember bits and pieces. I remember that day quite well because that was going to be the day that I was to start preschool. I was dressed in a cute purple dress and little brown boot-things, and my brother... Well why would I remember that? Anyways, when we got to the preschool it was closed, so we went to the Bagel Store because we has afternoon preschool and it was around lunchtime. When we got home me and my brother were sad because we couldn't find Dora the Explorer and all the channels had the same stuff. Our mom made us do something else because she didn't want us to see all the things on the news. My dad was in California at the time (thank God), so he was very very safe. But that day he was supposed to take a flight back and all the airlines closed down and cancelled their flights because of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. So he pretty much was stuck in California for an extra week or so. Oh course me and my brother were crying because we missed him, but children have short attention spans so it wasn't too horrible. Yeah, that's my 9/11 story. I feel really bad though because I don't know if I knew anyone that died, but a lot of my friends lost their uncles and aunts and grandparents and such, so it's an awkward blessing to know no one I remember was killed. It sounds bad but if you have a 9/11 story, please share it. Sometimes it's better to share these things, you know?

-Unknown Athena

R.I.P. those who lost their lives on September 11th, 2001

P.S. Random Fact: the only reason those two guys crashed into the twin towers was because they thought God told them to do it. Seriously stop blaming God!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Deep Breathes, Athena, Deep Breathes

I need to rant. Like. Now. So, you're kinda, sorta, going to be reading my rants that the world can now see... IN HD! Just kidding. Maybe not. Okay I'm totally lying. *Deep breath* My ranting starts now:

My house smells like $h!t, my dog smells like $h!t, I feel like $h!t, my mom made me eat like a bulimic, my mom's being a nag, my dog's an idiot, it's 11:30 at night, I'm cold, I'm tired, I'm eating even though I'm deathly full, I'm scared I won't make the volleyball team, I'm probably going to miss Fashion's Night Out, my brother's acting like a know-it-all, I'm tired, it's too loud, Zoe doesn't know how to use a bu-day (even though she's Portuguese), I don't even know how to spell bu-day, and Shana's Budew won't freaking evolve!

... There, I'm done. A freaking skunk made my dog go nuts and get infested with that gross skunk-y smell, my mom was yelling, my brother was doing nothing, and I had to give my stupid dog a bath at eleven o'clock at night. Last Saturday of Summer = Ruined.

-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

365 days, 524 recipes, 1 tiny apartment kitchen {and 6 days 'till Hell, oh I mean school}

Julie & Julia: A.K.A. my favorite summer read next to the Hunger Games series (have I mentioned how much I love the Hunger Games?). I started it, uh, two days ago? And I'm on page 100-somethingth. I feels accomplished. This book sounds a lot like what all my friends in text, but not so much the aspect of French cooking. Some favorite excerpts:

*"Unbidden, the word violate popped into my head. 'It's like bone rape. Oh God, did I just say that out loud?'"

*Of course the cow I got marrow from had a fairly crappy life- lots of crowds and 0vermedication and bland food that might or might not have been a relative." (Sounds a lot like America, don't you think?

* "'It's like eating life. It's almost like eating my own life, you know?' 'No, not really. But it's a hell of a good steak, sis.'"

... And that's just two pages. Think of the other grotesque and/or funny lines in the other 307 pages? Why is reading about other peoples lives so much more fun than your own? Seriously, it's true. Don't deny it. Unless you're highly famous, or extremely rich. Then I'll let you off the hook. Other than that, it's undeniably true.
For me, and probably the rest of the youth of New York, school starts in 6 days. Six. Miniscule. Days. How did summer go by so fast? Oh joy, Wake Me Up When September Ends is echoing in the back of my head. Not what I planned but okay.

What did you guys do this summer? Vacation in tropical locations? Get bitten to death by mosquitoes in sleep-away camp? Doze the days away? Study? (the last one was a joke. honestly) I went to camp, which explains why there's a good month-long chunk of time blank where blog posts were supposed to go. No exotic vacations. No cute tell-tale romances (or any romances for that matter). No plastic-encased memories from ridiculously overpriced gift shops. Just some pictures on my camera and a bunch of new friends. :-)

-Unknown Athena

Sunday, August 28, 2011


... And I'm not talking about food here. Actually I am, but not in the anorexic mind-set I would usually be speaking of. I'm talking about hunger. Not that hunger you get just every once in a while or after sports. I mean real hunger. The kind you feel every morning, afternoon and night. The one you sleep with and pray that one day you can get seconds or just have more food for you and your family. I've been obsessing over lately and find it quite addicting. It's almost like school, but in an easier, more fun way. Every answer you get right, Freerice donates 10 grains of rice to help end world hunger. My account has donated over 21,000 grains of rice. Now I don't know for sure how much rice that is if I saw it in front of my face, but it makes me feel good I can get to level 10 on the Spanish subject (they have other languages as well), or somehow manage to get to level 5 on the French one (even though I have no idea how to speak French to save me). Besides Spanish and French, they also have:

-County Capitols
-Flags of the World
-Chemistry (Basic & Full)
-Math (multiplication & pre-algebra)
-English Grammar & Vocab.
-And Famous Paintings

So pretty much everyone besides the music obsessed (A.K.A. myself and my friends) and those who wish to keep learning other languages (A.K.A. me and my other friend) is covered.

In other news, my friend Mischief Managed told me some random news that even I did not know: So my school system thinks the term "foreign language" sounds racist (?), so instead of foreign language, they now call it L.O.T.E (Languages Other Than English). Wierd, I know. Now... Who thinks that foreign language sounds racist? I don't. Weird xenophobes...

-Unknown Athena

P.S. How did everyone fair with Hurricane Irene? I got a few branches and such scattered all over my backyard but that's it. Oh, and we have a bit of flooding and a ton of wind. It's creepy.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

NaNoWriMo (No, this is not an Alien Apocalypse)

Okay, who knows what in the name of Earth is NaNoWriMo?

*awkward silence*
Neither did I until I checked on my Blogger-News-Feed-thing and saw my lovely friend Mischief Managed's newest two posts. Both of which are about her NaNoWriMo entries she attempted at. She says she failed. I saw it rocks. Just for the sake of being bored and wanting a cute read, read the freaking post. It'll take you a mere three-five minutes, depending on how fast you read. If you can't read online to save yourself (hi! *waves madly at you*), maybe it'll take five-eight minutes. But who cares about time. It's the summer, where we get bored with the amount of time given to "finish summer reading" (hahaha, summer reading). So please, just read it. Maybe even post a comment. It would be nice. I did. You can too. You have fingers, and a proper education. Just do it. Like Adidas, or wait, is that Nike?...

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I'm Back!!

Woah.... Is that.... Oh mah Gawd you look so familliar! Do I know you? Yeah... I think I do... Are you...?


Yeah cool I'm back from camp. *Cry* I knew you guys missed me! Okay maybe not. You have lives so it's no biggie. But yeah I'm here again, back to civilization with icky noise pollution, small skies, too much electricity.... No me gusta este ciudad. Did I say that right? Hope so....

Camp was great, as usual. All the people I saw in years past were there again, as well as a bunch of new people from near and far. There were girls from Venezuela, France, Taiwan, China, Turkey... Let's just say it was hard to rant a mile a minute. The counselors were from all over as well. There were people from Scotland, England, Ireland, Australia, and in places I-can't-pronounce-because-I-only-took-one-year-of-geography.

There's my lovely wrist. It acquired quite the load of bracelets this year. I have more on my wrist as I type this, but it's 10:20 p.m. and I really don't feel like taking the time to take another pictures and re-uploading all 300-something of my pictures and videos on my camera (my camera's weird... Okay?).
There's everyone's lovely feet as we wait on the line for camp store. All the times my anorexic mind-set kicked in and said not to buy candy and junk when I was 15 numbers away from being called in. Surprisingly I did quite well maintaining my weight for the past four weeks. Even when I ditched the second Ensure Plus for the last two weeks (the nurses didn't notice. how sad)...

Oh joy I'm too tired to finish this post. Well, have a good night everyone!

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Camp Camp Camp Camp Camp. I'm excited, nervous, happy, sad, but all I know is I can't wait. I thought I should probably fill you guys in on this just in case there are actually people out there in cyberspace that check on my blog every so often and get pissed off to find no posts for roughly a month. Don't worry, if you do, I'm not dead. I'll be in camp, water skiing (my favorite sport, ever), going on high ropes, mountain boarding, archery, oh, and all the while drinking two Ensure +'s a day. I know, it kinda sucks, but it's most likely the only thing that will keep me in camp, and not home, with my mom in freaking Canada (no offense Canadians, but she doesn't write me there!), and my dad at work. Fun -____-. NOT.

So my point is I'll have fun in camp, and I can't write. Hope to get back to you guys ASAP. :-)

-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Last Night...

The lightning and thunder was freaking crazy! I bet ya'll (I'm not from the South nor of any sort of Southern heritage) thought I was gonna say something like "I tried drugs" or "I lost my virginity", or even something like, "I had my first kiss! (Hah, like that's gonna happen in the near future). Nope, I'm a loser and like to talk about the weather. But seriously, that weather last night was really freaky. I was at a friends house for a mini get together/birthday sleepover and while eating cake and playing Super Smash-Bros Brawl (greatest game. EVER) on the Wii, the thunder was so loud I couldn't tell whether the noise was from the thunder itself or something in our stage we were playing on. It was freaky, and even more freaky because we we pretty much high off of sugar. That's what happens when there's a bag of mini chocolate chips in your friends house (which I'm quite proud of eating. It's a great accomplishment in terms of my recovery)...

I dunno where any of ya'll live (except Miss Managed at her Mischief Managed-ness-ness-ness), but I hope you guys slept! Guess who didn't? *raises hand*

In other news, I was cleared for camp! The only restriction in activity is that I can't do more than two sports a day. Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

-Unknown Athena

Friday, July 15, 2011


'Kay, so who stayed up last night 'till midnight in bed for Harry Potter p.2 to come out while their friends went to the midnight premier? *raises hand* ME! It sucks, I really wanted to go to the midnight premier, but of course all my friends got their tickets a really long time ago, so I had no chance of going. But hey, I get to see it on Saturday, I think, with my dad. :\ Not my favorite idea (he doesn't want me to bring a friend), but as long as I see the end of my favorite series on Earth, it's totally fine.

Wingardium Leviosa!
-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Flip Floppin' in the Blog-O-Sphere

Hehehe... I got another blog. I have maybe, three or four by now, but this one, I like. It's on wordpress, so it's almost as cool as blogspot. But tumblr, eeeek! I got a tumblr maybe a week or two ago, and it's so boring! First, you can't even find anyone (the search bar is totally useless in my opinion), and then, it takes forever to navigate the deep blue site! Haha, get it? Deep blue site, because it has a blue background, and it's site instead of sea? LOL I AM HILARIOUS. Just kidding I'm just a 14 year old who loves to blog. Oh, and take pictures. Can never forget about my lovely camera (who also doubles as a buddy when I'm bored and in a pretty place), and my hundreds of pictures piling up on the 4 GB memory card...

So, about that blog I was talking about... It's going to be an eco-blog where I pretty much rant about how the United States needs to be more eco-conscious about their actions and some facts and possibly DIY's here and there. I call it "Cellophane Grass", after that icky plastic grass they stick into those Easter Baskets for little kids (and regressing teenagers) that call themselves grass. Hello people, just get your own freaking grass!

Hope you enjoy it!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I'm still going to use this blog, but I'll be off for a month for camp, so if I don't post, I'm kinda, sorta, gone! :\

Monday, July 4, 2011

El gasp... I haven't written in a while...

... So, fellow web-surfers...
Hey. What's up?...
Happy Fourth of July!

I know, I haven't written in like, 2 weeks, but hey, I'm back, for now. I'm going to camp on July... Something-th. Maybe the 24th, but seriously, I have no freaking idea. I still haven't been "cleared" for camp, but hopefully tomorrow I am when I go back to the doctors. The stupid doctor-lady was all like, "I want to see your weight go up before I let you go to camp", and in my head I was like, "Well sucks for you I'm going to camp no matter what the hell you throw at me". Legit. If she threw a dead fish at me I'd still go... Or I'd attack her... And probably get injected with Ativan by the cops...

Today shouldn't be a day for getting drunk, having barbeques and scaring Delilah (my dog) with firecrackers and fireworks. It really was the day we declared our independence from Great Britain, or so everyone says so. It was actually declared on the 2nd, and supposedly it was actually signed on August 2nd, 1776. See how our history is messed up? We lie! Alright, maybe there were actual reasons why we don't have Independence Day on the 2nd of July, but for right now I'm disregarding that.

On a brighter note, I walked Delilah with my mom on the path on the River. The sun was nice, there were lots of dogs, and people, oh, and a dead fish, random but true. And, even better, I was stalking a wind-surfer. Just kidding I was just taking pictures 'cause I was really tired and bored after awhile.

Happy 4th *cough cough 2nd* of July! Don't get too drunk!
-Unknown Athena

Thursday, June 16, 2011

So... The Regents...

They were so freaking easy! Why was I freaking out so much? That math, only two questions I'm 100% sure I got the wrong answer. And yes, that was terrible grammar. Sucks. Anyways, that evil Regent threw my whole body out of wack. I had to have lunch at 11:00, and had my "meds" (A.K.A. a 530 calorie, 145 from fat, "snack", comprised of a Luna Bar and Ensure Plus) at 2:30-ish.

And more annoyingly, I had to wait a whole freaking HOUR (after I had finished my test and checked over all my answers) before my math teacher (the only math teacher authorized to take our finished tests in the whole dang school) got back to our homeroom. All the while, I could only sit and stare at the wall. No reading. No doodling. No taking (it said so in that extensively long list of rules). No nothing. It sucked. But I had gum, so it was okay. Actually the gum was more annoying than helpful because I didn't fee like taking my retainer out during the test. They'd probably think I'd written my notes in it (which is b-t-dubs, GROSS!) or something.

Well, on the bright side (... I'm roughly six feet tall. Nope. more like 5'7 and a half), my friend painted my nails for our "prom". A.K.A, going on a boat for 3 hours. They're shimmery pink and a metallic nude. The combination sounds aweful, but it actually looks pretty good. Now, off to the stupid nutritionist! She'll probably kill me, because I haven't seen her in a month, and haven't don't a single meal plan.

If I live through her, I'll write later!
-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pictures, Hipsters, and IM's oh my!

Ack... That seems so... Artificial... So fake... So... So... HIPSTER. El gasp. I said it. I used some form of hipster reference. Yeah, I was talking about hipsters yesterday, but we "hipsters" are not half bad, besides the fact we are called the same thing as what's under our pants. (Anyone?)
Yesterday I went to a math review. Then home. Then Best Buy. They really aren't much of a "best" buy kinda place, but it was big. And filled. With. Cameras. So a few weeks/months (how long has the suffering been?!) ago, I lost my camera. My baby. My precious. Miki. Actually that was just the character on the sticker I put on it. But anyways, Miki, got lost. More like misplaced. I have no freaking idea. If you don't know already, I love taking pictures. I'm weird. Usually I don't leave the house without it. I brought it to camp. To Key Largo. I even tried the hospital, but they only confiscated it. But that was in December, and I clearly remember taking New Years pictures on January first.

So yesterday. My mom wanted me to get another camera. But I hate spending money, and kinda, sorta, broke down right before we went in. Luckily no one saw. Besides the creepy nonexistent old guy in the corner. I walked in, and saw it. God, in camera form. A total beauty. Like Athena. It was shiny, not too big-not too small, black, a Nikon Coolpix. Not the tiny little ones (Miki was a Coolpix), but a real good one. Think mini SLR. I ended up getting it, along with a case. I brought it to school. I wouldn't let people touch it. It felt weird, like a parent protecting it's young. I guess I'm a mom now...

Nooooooooow, onto my "IM's oh my!" part. I just realized how much I hate when Atheists say "Oh my God!". No offense to all the Atheists out there. Actually a lot of my best friends are Atheist. I don't really have a religion, but not Atheist. Once a lady came into the hospital and asked if there was a God in my life. I said I don't know. It got very awkward after that. Anyways, it's just odd to say "Oh my God," when you don't think that one (or more) exists. And when people just randomly say IM abbreviations out loud, like "LOL", "ROFL", "BRB", etc. Only when Olivia (one of my lovely,crazy friends) says that kind of stuff it's okay. She's Atheist. It annoys me when she says "OMG", but she's not being legit. So it's all good.

Lesson for today: If you're Atheist, think before you say "Oh my God", Nikon rocks, and don't bust $300 of you mom's money. Bye bye! I'll be washing dishes and not getting anymore presents for the next two years!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Good Luck to all the people out there taking their Regents tomorrow! I'm with you in spirit (Yet I'm also taking it. You're not alone. Alright?).

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

-These Are The Crash Years.: Who DOESN'T want to knit their own ninja!?!? (i me...

-These Are The Crash Years.: Who DOESN'T want to knit their own ninja!?!? (i me...: "Okay. So because I go to that ridiculously prestigious preppy-ass boarding school that i love-SLASH-hate... I had to have a roommate last..."

Gyah! Do I need to say more? This blog is amazing! Actually I just discovered this, oh, 10 minutes ago. Sucks. But it's pretty great. And this rant is story-of-my-life. People call me hipster, hippie, spaz, etc. But I'm not just a "hipster". I am a photographer (totally undiscovered, so a to-be). I am a ninja. I am I purple bunny that goes to Hogwarts with Fred, Cedric and Hermione. Labels suck, but if that's what you gotta do to get your own dorm room, go for it. And buy a knit-a-ninja while you're at it.

Love you guys! Kinda, not really. Just kidding you guys rock!
-Unknown Athena

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Beginnings

I feel so happy today, besides the fact that it was a gazillion degrees outside. Delilah was sitting with me outside while I was studying for my Living Environment Regents. My dad came over and made us some pizza. It hurt my teeth a lot (my teeth are still sore with the retainers -___-), but it tasted really yummy so I kinda disregarded the pain. After that we went to the rummage sale at one of the churches in town. I got a few picture books (Peter Rabbit! My childhood, in short!), a capelette, a shirt, a pair of Pink pajama bottoms, and a handkerchief. Today, in short, was great.

-Unknown Athena

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Childhood Reunion

Today was half great, half terrible. I'll start with the terrible so you leave with something to hopefully be smiling about.
I. Hate. RETAINERS. My teeth & gums are still sore, and I swear if they don't get any better I'll have to resort to freaking baby food! Well, than again, I've heard that baby food isn't half bad. Anyone remember how baby food tastes?? Also, I'm developing a sore throat, so I'm not only thirsty but also barely able to speak. Joy -______-
But on the bright side, I had a great Health class. So we all finished our projects, right, and we were bored in the computer lab. Randomly, I thought of my childhood, and how much I missed it! I know, I know, I'm only 13, so I'm still like a child all all, but I'm talking about the 5-10 years old part; with the Club Penguin and Webkinz and Neopets... OH THE DAYS! I used my cousins account for Webkinz, and somehow I remembered my Club Penguin info, so I was in this total trance of childhood memories. So much stuff changed... Have you ever had a day like this before?

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I get to meet my "big buddy" tomorrow to help me through high school. Think of Junior year tour guides. I can't wait :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Freedom! Or so I thought...

Alright, let's set this straight. Braces suck. 'Kay? Nice... So I got the dang things off today, after having them for almost a year (In your face Olivia!!), and to my disappointment; retainers. Or as I like to call them, restrainers. Legit, they restrain you from a lot of things. A.K.A. gum, granola, apples, comfort! They currently hurt as hell, and I haven't even had them on for 8 hours! The orthodontist drilled a little hole on my top retainer so I can "play with it with my tongue", but it's not that addictive... Okay I lied, it's very fun to play with it. It just hurts. Like, a lot. I kinda want to take some Aspirin or Tylenol; just something to keep the pain away!!

Hating plastic and metal,
Unknown Athena

P.S. I just realized how good of an excuse this is to not eat as much! But than again... All the more reason to drink even more Ensure Plus. *shudders*

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

It's a Battlefield...

... Facebook, that is. If you didn't know already, I'm not too popular at school. And for whatever reason, most of the girls in my grade think I'm like, mentally disabled or just hate me like hell. Is my comment that bad? Really. I just said one dress might not look so good on something, and then 86 (yeah, eight-effing-SIX) comments come up bitching to me about how mean I am. Geez, it's just a comment.
The "popular" kids remind me of robots; they're heartless. They fake every emotion I've ever seen, and sarcasm seems to be their first language. I'm not quite sure what I ever did to them that makes them want me to kill myself, but it's getting really old. And yeah, it does hurt. In a way I kinda wish they could say it to my face, because it's way better then them [the "popular" girls] hiding behind their little laptops and iPods throwing me their insecurities. Oh, and popular girls, if you're reading this, just say it. Say how much you freaking hate me. Go on, say it. You guys are acting really silly. It's like cyber-bullying, which is overrated, in my opinion. And if you don't like me, then why are you "friends" with me on Facebook in the first place?

-Unknown Athena

Monday, May 23, 2011

I hate this... A lot...

Does anyone feel the same way? About rejection, that is. R-E-J-E-C-T-I-O-N, rejection. By definition (taken from Wikipedia):
"... in psychology, an interpersonal situation that occurs when a person or group of people exclude an individual from a social relationship"
Doesn't it sound just lovely?... Not. I mean, it didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would be, because a few of my friends and even a bit of myself thought that I'd get rejected anyways, but still... How does one face the truth? I pretty much confessed! A re-worded freaking confession! Well, I said "as friends," so does it count as a confession? I hope not, or this could get awkward. At least it's not like I'm now part of a small section of those who've been rejected. A lot of people have been rejected, considering how many people have asked someone. Well, then again, it's just an 8th grade boat dance, nothing big, like Senior Prom :/...

Unknown Athena

P.S. I tried Chinese food for the first time in months! And I'm not talking about the diet menu, the REAL DEAL, covered-in-oil crap. And it actually tasted okay, until the guilt came in... Hate guilt...

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Alright, I haven't posted in what, over a month?! I'm crazy, and I'm really sorry. But, I can explain. I actually have a few reasons, and maybe you'll understand a bit. Yes? No? Well then...

1) My laptop died. I'm not talking about the battery. It just died. It's being evil on me. But the poor thing's lived a long life since 2003. First it was my dad's laptop for work, and it got worked to death. Then somehow it became mine, and it was a pretty good laptop, nix all the Trogen-virus-things it's had in it's lifetime. But now, may it rest in peace... Until I can think of a way to fix it.

2) School. I have three regents to prepare for. A "Living Environment" Regent (A.K.A. a fancy-shancy way of saying "Biology"), an "Intergraded (Can't spell it...) Algebra" one, and a "Spanish 1" one. And I wasn't for school in two weeks (I'll explain in #3), so when I came back to school I was a dumb blond in Harvard; confused.

3) I relapsed. I relapsed, I relapsed I FREAKING RELAPSED. I didn't want to. I didn't even fully try. It just happened. And I went back. For three freaking weeks. And on the Monday of Spring Break, too. Life is just not fair my fellow cyber-surfers. Not. Effing. FAIR.

Every day at that "prison", I like to call it, was exasperatingly painful. I mean, I did have some fun times, coloring and making bracelets and playing dumb with the doctors, but in total, it pretty much sucked. And the last two days before my discharge, I was crying. I was in freaking HYSTERICS. I was so scared. Scared that I may relapse. Scared that I'd miss all the regents, or fail them. Or not go to the Boat Dance (the 8th grade equivalent of a prom), or even graduate middle school. The school that everyone graduates. But that was just me thinking of worst-case scenarios, so hopefully none of that happens. And I already got my boat dance dress, so if I can't go I may as well kill someone.

Happy Killings,
Unknown Athena

P.S. I'm really sorry, about not posting. The hospital doesn't have computers!!
P.P.S. In happy news, my apple plant is like, a foot tall. And has lots of leaves. YAY!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Vacation vacation....

So boring -_________- I should be doing homework, but remember, I said should, not like I will. Yet... Yeah, I should probably get to that at some point soon...

-Unknown Athena

P.S. How is everyone's vacation? Will anyone comment? I feel lonely :(

Monday, April 18, 2011

OMG, please kill meh now (not legit)

My mom, wants, me, in, the, hospital. I want to kill somebody, or something. Whatever. It's Passover, a holiday that I like, and can see my family. But no, she wants me gone. Damn. It. All. To. Hell. I'm not depressed anymore, and I've been eating like crazy the past three days. My breakfast must have been at least 800 calories or something. No more tea for me, I'm drinking hot cocoa. Yummy hot cocoa. My dad helped me write out a plan to turn it around on the phone this morning, so I have a smidgen of a chance that I'll be at my house for the Passover sader. (Yeah, I have no clue how to spell that...) How can I win this??

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, April 16, 2011

I'm so scared, please help

I come home from a fun, happy sleepover. To what, you may ask? My mom on the phone, with my therapist, talking about possibly admitting me back; to the hospital. I think I may kill someone. Not literally, but you know what I mean. She then called my nutritionist, and talked for awhile. And since I was sad and knew I need to gain, I ate half a box of Trefoils and some hot cocoa. Maybe that was a bad idea, because now my mom thinks I'm going to be bulimic or something. But like I would throw up! That's so nasty. Just because your body does it, it's fine, but if you make yourself; that's nasty. And it can disintegrate your uvula, and decay your teeth. Yeah, that's gross. Don't do it, I've seem my fair share of pictures on the web. So can you help me? I'm going to have a "conference" (most likely them discussing me getting in while I cry or something stupid) on Monday. How do I gain so much weight without it looking suspicious?!

-Unknown Athena

Friday, April 15, 2011

National Day of Silence

Being me, I decided to go for this: National Day of Silence. This "holiday" is supposed to be an act against LGBT bullying by not saying anything at all. Thankfully I've been using a mini white-board to write all my expressions. It's so hard! And I'm only doing it for the school day. When the clock hits 2:50 pm, I'm FREE! 24 hours would be too hard, plus, I talked before I went to school. Is anyone else doing this? Or is it just me and my friends? -Unknown Athena

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I think it's Spring

Yup. It's that glorious time again; Spring. The Dofodils are blooming, the purple and white flowers that I-can't-remember-the-name-of-it's are popping up, and it's sunny. Nice, and sunny. I even have my piggies out. I just love my personal lawn mowers :).

You know what I love about springtime? Track and Field. A.k.a. the best sport ever. I love the high jump, it's my favorite event. I got up to 4'6 last year. Me and this other girl were the only girls left at that point, with about 6 guys who were super tall. But now it's hard to love track.

Why, you may ask? Because I have yet to tell my nutritionist I'm in track. She'll probably flip when she hears I'm doing some form of "strenuous activity". It's fun, and I love it. It's a good excuse to get some fresh air. I'm even typing on my patio in the backyard. Hopefully my laptop's battery can keep up. For the past few days, I've been thinking of ways to break it to her. But what if she makes me quit? Or if I lost weight doing it?! I'm so nervous, even though she had said "I don't have any expectations for you". But what the heck does that mean?!?!?! So if I loose a pound she won't get mad? Or she just doesn't think I'm capable of gaining weight (even though it's kinda true...)? And why do I feel like I've had this rant to you guys (or girls... Whatever...) in a previous post? Meh...

What should I do? I don't want to give up the sport I love, but I don't want to go back to the hospital. Please help me, I'm basically desperate. And no, all you weird people out there, I'm not desperate in that way!!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. I had to re-pot, well, re-cup, the apple plant. It's growing so well! I put an old pencil in it to keep it from bending. I'm so happy!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This fact is so freaking useful!

I learned this fact that seems to explain everything: Teenagers ages 12-25 feel emotions 4 times more than adults. So, what this thing is telling me is that all my depression attacks aren't really major? That it's totally normal?! Unknown Athena likes this... As well as third-person. Third person is fun, yes?

-Unknown Athena

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Fun Nights and loads of Grease!

Yup, it's 11:55 at night, but I'm still up. Sure, the curtain fell, but I'm still playing. Not really. I was trying to be all metaphorical and stuff. So yeah. Tonight I performed in my school's spring musical; Grease. Sadly I didn't get to finish that earlier post (which I will continue at some point. Key word; some point), but here's a new one fresh off the press. There were many cheers, and flowers (I can't believe my dad got these for me!!), and compliments, and photos taken tonight. I was so thrilled that no one would know I have/had (can't tell anymore) depression! Me and my friends went out to a diner last night to celebrate, which is the tradition with plays and musicals; have fun, then go to a diner. It works like so. But tonight I was so drained and tired that I went home. Delilah was happy to see me, she couldn't stop jumping!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. You should see my apple seed now! It's grown so much! I gotta take a picture to show you guys!

P.P.S. Happy almost-birthday to my friend!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's lunch, I'm bored, so let's find the sexual references in Grease!

Yeah, I'm wierd. I'm taking my lunch time to find all the sexual references in the musical Grease. There's too many to list, so I'll just put 'em in here with some thoughts: (Raining on Prom Night voice): It's raining rain from the skies Me: Well where else does it come from? Gotta go, lunch's over, will finish later...

Monday, April 4, 2011

If only if only...

... I could block this stupid thought from my head. It's so ridiculous, and I guess I have to tell you since I mentioned it; I like someone. Yeah, crushes. I get why they're called, crushes. They can legit, crush you, even if they don't know it. Looking at those two, it makes me want to crawl into a hole and cry. I know it's all acting (did I tell you guys I'm in my school's musical? I'm an old lady, while everyone else gets to look cute and young-ish. Grr...), and plus the guy's also a "lady-killer" (taken from the script), but I can't block out that ______ thought!!!! This is like, not nice. It's not even real jealousy, because they're only acting, right? They don't have real feelings for each other, right? :(

Oh no, I'm getting worried. And when I'm worried it's hard to eat. I was worried at practice so badly I just let my friend eat half of my sushi, and I need that sushi. I don't want to go back to the hospital (or as I like to call it, Hell). I want to do track. I want to go to camp. I want to go to Spain. I may not want to gain weight, but looking "big" is better than not being seen at all, I guess.

Why is it that I can't be in control? Sadly I'm so passive; I let people practically walk all over me. Help me with this, it's so hard to do alone. How can I refuse? My friends are pretty much as important as family, if not more. How do you say "no" to the ones so close to you?

-Unknown Athena

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Anyone remember C.O.O.L. and J.E.R.K?

Oh the days of elementary school... When the worst thing you could say to a person was "Shut up" or "You're stupid" or "You're such a cool kid!". Anyone remember those acronyms? C.O.O.L, ring a bell? You know, constipated, overrated, outdated loser? And J.E.R.K; Junior Educated Rich Kid, or something like that? For whatever reason I thought of those things when I came home from a sleepover at my friends house. I conked out before midnight so I was well-rested when I got up. Then I went home and delivered some girl scout cookies. Then took a shower, and am too lazy to go back to delivering more cookies. Don't you have those moments too? When you know you should be productive but are too lazy to go through with it? Yeah, I'm having one of those....

-Unknown Athena

P.S. My apple seed grew so much! As in, more than an inch!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What comes up must come down... To like, China!

No racism on China! It's just an expression! You know, like when you were a little kid and thought you could dig to China? Yeah, that's what I meant. Annnnnnnnyways, this post has nothing to do with China, but I needed a cool title to go with this. Moving on...
My life is currently a hell-hole, place, whatever. I had to call the police earlier today on my brother because he was getting crazy about not wanting to get off his xBox. He was screaming, crying, cursing, threatening, breaking stuff... My mom tried to break his xBox, but sadly failed and it works like a charm. My brother broke his cell phone, which was pretty broken before. The police officer talked to him for awhile, but none of the stuff she said seemed to get into his head. A few minutes later, he was back on, screaming into the screen, as if those pixel-ized soldiers actually existed. I sense an addiction... Hmm... After that, I felt depressed and hung out with some friends. (Hey, that's better then crying in my room, right?) Now I'm just waiting for my mom and dog (they're at Petsmart doing that dog-training thing) to come home so I can make dinner, yes, I make the dinners about 75% of the time now, and go see my friend perform at the library.

Any suggestions to calm down my ADHD-anxiety-stressed-twin brother?
-Unknown Athena

Friday, April 1, 2011

Being Wasted, Fun Nights and April Fools

First, I will tell you; I WAS NEVER WASTED IN MY LIFE, 'KAY? Just had to establish that. Yeah, I see you (not legit, but you know what I mean), thinking this 13 year old got wasted. No. Sorry. You're very very wrong. It's actually a song, by Cartel, the coolest band ever. Look it up on Youtube; Wasted by Cartel. It's beautiful. Listen first for the beat (it's so grooving! Ack, I sound so... Old. Gyah!), second time for the lyrics. It changes the way you think, alright? Right.

Second, never judge an event by how crappy it sounds. "Game Night for 7th & 8th graders. DJ, laser tag, open gym and more!" sounds really, really stupid. Hopefully you think so too, because that was my first thought. Then, I thought, aw screw it. So I went with a few of my friends (and miss Olivia went with me too, that cool blogger buddy from school I blogged about earlier.), and it was so much freaking fun. You are never too late to play laser tag in an enclosed space. Wearing the vest was optional (at least for me. Don't you love cheating? Well it's not really cheating, it's... Improvising. Yeah, let's go with that...).

Third. April Fools Day; so much fun until you get to 8th grade and none of the teachers do any April Fools Day pranks. My math teacher gave us a test, and it actually COUNTED. Seriously, it was evil I tell you; EVIL.

Yeah, I pretty much summed up my day, nix 2 hours of play rehearsal, in this post. Hope you guys had fun laughing your heads off when people fell for your pranks.

-Unknown Athena

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

It's growing!

YAY! It's getting bigger everyday (that's what she said...)!! :D Growing is so cool!

-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Don't you hate those moments when you learned something you really didn't want to hear? Yeah, had that moment quite a lot today, and yesterday. The Wii fit told me I have no core balance in gym yesterday ("Wellness" period... Yeah, right), today I learned when too much is too much (*cough cough* BABIES), and now I'm remembering waaaaaay back when we watched the Miracle of Life in science. What a "miracle". How is a bloody little human a miracle? More like scarring, or at least to watch it. Yup, another reason I don't want kids... -________-

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Now that I think about it; why the heck would I go have kids? I can barely support myself! That was supposed to be a joke... But now it really doesn't seem like one...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Here's the deal

Alright, I dunno if I mentioned this in any previous posts, but I got this lovely friend. Her name's Olivia. She's a blogger, too. And over the past week, two, I can't remember, we've been doing this project in Social Studies called "The American Dream". Basically we research a "minority" that isn't getting their fair chance at the American Dream (whatever that is...). She researched gay-Americans, like me, only she made hers better, and posted it on her lovely blog. You can see it right here, don't be shy. She only took dibs on, oh I dunno, a gazillion people. Yeah, she's amazing. Follow her, and me too, 'cause we're just that cool.

Oh yeah, and if you hate on LGBT (lesbian-gay-bi-transgenders), you suck. Honestly, we're all human, we can do what we want. It says so in our dear friend's amazing work. I know, I've already linked it, but serously, it is an eye-opening piece of work. That thing should be put in the New York Times it's so good. Poor Olivia, she must be screaming into her computer that I'm making it seem like such a big deal. But it is a big deal. If you have any sort of say and/or argument to put up, just comment and we'll talk }:). If it's nice, I'll be like this: :), but if not: }:). Yeah...

-Unknown Athena

P.S. Is there any other groups you think aren't being treated right? Who? I like to know...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

The City's so pretty

Hey! That rhymes! Currently I'm looking out from my dads new apartment, and I can see the City lights sprinkled across the sky. It's so pretty, I really wish I took my camera! Maybe later I'll watch the end of Julie and Julia, trying not to think about the amount of calories I had today. Sadly my dad's really pushy about things, so I swear when I wasn't looking he snuck more oil into the pan when we were making teriyaki shrimp and chicken.... At least I walked a lot. The mall here is huge, and I got a lot of walking in. I bought a skirt from Wet Seal; and it's love at first sight. The skirt's long, to my ankles, and has a boho-y, hippie-like pattern. Can't wait to wear it!

-Unknown Athena

P.S. What's your favorite place to look at?

Friday, March 25, 2011

I just noticed...

This is kinda random, but I noticed that my font for the blog was really weird and hard to read. So I apologize, and I changed it to hopefully give you a helping click (hand wouldn't make much sense in this context), and maybe attract some more viewers. Ack, I sound desperate, just like those wanna-be-like-Fred Youtubers...

-Unknown Athena

That was fast

Did anyone experience that random snowstorm and then all the snow melted away? Yeah, I did, how weird. A half-day of school, for no apparent reason. The snow is gone, spring's slowly (but surely) coming. Or says so my apple seed. It looks like it grew a bit, but I'm not totally sure. Sadly I'm still a bit delerious because I forgot to set my alarm this morning and had the smallest breakfast in probably 5 months; tea, an egg, and oatmeal. My nutritionist would shun me so. She keeps saying she has "no expectations" of me, but that doesn't seem right. So does she think I'm not going to accomplish anything? Or that structure and food don't go well with me (seriously, it's not. Meal plans are not easy, juuuuuust an FYI)? No idea. Anyways, my apple seed looks a bit longer, and my dog's currently chewing up my brothers stuffed-Stewie from Family Guy. Weird? Yes. Funny? Yes. Okay, I'm chill with it. Now Delilah is going crazy again, barking and running around like a mad-man, or mad-dog; whatever. I hope she calms down, she's only about 1 and a half years old, so maybe she has some puppy left in her...?

Grow seed, grow!
-Unknown Athena

P.S. Today at school we had a bake-sale to raise some money to help Japan. A lot of people made stuff; I made some yummy snickerdoodles. All but 2 were sold. I gave $2, in exchange for 3 packages of Koala-no-Machi, this godly Japanese cookie/pastry thing. Love them! For the 7th and 8th grade, we raised $501.00 (Yes, 501, not 500, 501)!!! We haven't counted the sales from the 5th and 6th grade lunches, but it'll probably top ours.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I feel like a mom!

No, I am not pregnant, JUST AN FYI, since there are many silly minds among us. I just feel so nurturing and mother-like. Maybe it's Delilah (my ah-dorable new family member), or maybe it's the fact I actually got something to grow. I've always wanted a garden, but since the first day of spring was a very winter-esque day (ahem, SNOW), my dream was broken, and ended up in me crying for what now seems like nothing. It all started with eating an apple; a nice, om-nomerful Gala apple. Then there was the seed, and a lone, empty yogurt cup, and a bag of never-used soil. This is where the big bang happened. Not legit, but close enough. After several days of hoping, watering and less-than-satisfactory amounts of sunlight, it sprouted. It sprouted, it sprouted IT SPROUTED! I swear I feel so good, growing something. Try it, I think you'll enjoy the feeling to. And just think, in oh, I dunno, 50 years, I'll have apples!

Go Veggies (Yeah yeah, I know apples are a fruit)!
-Unknown Athena

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Going that Extra Mile

Is it worth it? Is it worth the extra effort? Does the "+" or "-" really make a difference? I have no clue. This project for social studies is killing me; killing me. I have to do a full citation for everything (thank God for, and find everything there is to know on the topic I'm researching for our American Dream project. For whatever reason, I chose gay rights. Sadly, there isn't much out there on gay rights. Have any suggestions?

Yay for lunch period!
-Unknown Athena

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blazing Through Books

Just finished up reading My Side of the Mountain. You know, that classic choice book that's so cute with not much of a plot but I still was warped with it kind of book? Yeah, I read it. I feel proud of reading it in only a day. My English teacher will be happy. Now onto the book I really can't wait to tear through; Life As We Knew It. No, not that movie that I never saw but heard it was weird one, the book, by Susan Beth Pfeffer. I'm still not sure how to say her last name, but it looks cool! Anyways, it's a good book, you should read it :)
Ulh, I'm pissed just thinking about this; I lost 3 lbs! 3 pounds I worked my butt off to gain! Now more Ensure... Hate... This.... Help me!

Bookworms Forever!
-Unknown Athena

P.S. What's your favorite read? Which book are you loving right now?

Disclaimer: I don't own the picture in this post

Thursday, March 17, 2011

I'm all choked up!

Ahahaha, anyone in the cast of Grease would understand... Someone commented! I'm so happy! I'm also happy because finally, it's nice and sunny out, maybe somewhere between 50-60 degrees out. My confidence is so high I'm wearing a tank top! ^_^ I'm getting weighed this week so hopefully I did well. That stupid crap-in-a-bottle hopefully is working. Also, I signed up for track, so no matter what happens, I'll still get to "run the trail", a.k.a. go down to the lake and come back acting like you ran up and down the trail a gazillion times. Last year it was really fun, especially the high-jump. Seriously, don't diss it 'till you try it :)

Sunny Skies and Butterflies,
Unknown Athena

P.S. What outdoor stuff do you like to do when a random nice day comes?

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hello? Anyone there?

I feel like I'm trying to call someone, someone picks up, but says nothing. Or if the line's dead... There isn't an answer. Is there even anyone reading my blog? Just posting makes me feel better, but the support of others is very much appreciated. Even a simple "Hi" would be fine, it just seems very lonely, that on the World Wide Web, no one seems to come across this small blog. This isn't a deserted island people! Haha... What am I saying? >.< If you care, just leave me a comment or something. Writing for what seems to be nobody can get pretty boring at times...

It's a harsh crowd tonight it seems,
Unknown Athena

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I like this idea...

First, I'm really sorry I haven't posted in the past 2 days. My goal at the beginning of this blog was to post every day, but I kinda, sorta failed :|. Most likely I failed to reach my goal at the beginning of this blog. Ack! Bad talk! Don't self hate on self! Yeah, these are my new tools to boost my self esteem. Which brings me to this website I found called Operation Beautiful. It's basically this site where they try to spread the word of getting everyone to stop the bad self-talk, and now I'm really excited to try it. I'm not so sure (because it's hard to tell, obviously) how many girls in my school do self-hate, but now I can't wait for school tomorrow to put post-its in the bathroom! Aw, I wish I learned about this site yesterday! Then I could've put them in the locker room as well! Oh well, I have gym on... Friday. Yeah, Friday. You have no idea how happy I was when my "team" (the school's social worker, psychiatrist and nurse) told me I could start doing gym again. I practically screamed!

Post-It Notes and Kisses,
Unknown Athena

Sunday, March 13, 2011

One Word: Japan

If my heart were a hug, I'd hug Japan. Poor Japan, I don't know what to do! Is there any sort of foundation that's raising money, clothes, toiletries, etc to help them? 'Cause I want in! First off, I love Japanese culture. There's so much about it I love, especially their schools, and the fact that it's the students who clean the school, not janitors. Also, they have amazing food (hello? They invented sushi and noodles! Or maybe that was China... I should look that up...). Hopefully I can learn to make sushi, because I'll admit it; I can be cheap. If my mom wants to buy something like cookies, I'll be like "I can make that!". Yeah, me and my cooking. I'll never pass up a chance to cook...

-Unknown Athena

Disclaimer: I don't own that picture. I took it off of this site I got from Google images.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I feel so filled up with do-gooderness!

'Kay, so as you can tell by the header, I feel like a total do-gooder; like a girl scout. Heck, I am a girl scout (legit). Today me and my troop went to a children hospital to do some crafts with them. It was more like a rehabilitation hospital, but I think they also had a "normal" hospital part. We got to meet some of the kids and help them make self-portraits to use on a changeable family tree. The girl I worked with was really sweet. She was only 2 grades below me (she's a 6th grader), and really nice. When she said she was getting discharged on Wednesday, I felt an electric shock of memory go up my spine. It reminded me of when I heard I was getting discharged at the hospital. It just makes you so happy and anxious that you just want to scream at the world, "I'M GETTING DISCHARGED! HOORAY!" Of course I didn't tell her that I knew the feeling, but in a wierd way I kinda wanted to. Anyways, I just wish I could've stayed longer. It made me feel so good and happy to make their day (well, maybe not all of them seemed like we did, but some of them), I think more people should do things like that. Don't you think so?

-Unknown Athena

Question: What thing have you done for someone that made you feel good?