Saturday, October 8, 2011

Just don't do it, honestly.

So I've been sick for the past week, and finally gave in and didn't go to school yesterday (Friday). Had to miss varsity's game, and emailed my coach telling her that. She probably won't play me in the next game. But she always does that. She never plays me. Actually, she played me a few times, but in a blink of an eye I'm out. It sucks. I've thought of quitting multiple times, but the season's almost over. I can handle it. Only 5 games left, and I'm done.


Now onto what I really wanna talk about: eating disorders. Yeah, the thing I've had for a year or so, it's done for me, I hope. But not for everyone. Today, I found a whole new part of blogs that freak the crap out of me: ED blogs.
Ever seen 'em? Ya know, the ones with the girls who talk about their binges and purges, weight loss, life problems, all that jazz. It's depressing to look at. It's not even interesting. It's sad. It's something you pity in a person. "Oh, they have an eating disorder, that sucks," the worst part is that you can only comment on their posts and hope the harsh truth gets to them. There are these bloggers who think that wasting themselves skinny by starving themselves and purging TV dinners is totally the norm, and that someone will eventually will help them. Well guess what? They won't. No one is going to help these people with the click of the computer mouse. You have to put in some effort, girls (and guys). I put in my effort. I take those damn Ensure Plus's every freaking day. They taste nasty, yes, but do I drink all 350 of those artificial calories, twice a day? Yes. I want to be healthy, I don't want to starve myself dead. If you want your organs to eat each other, get heart attacks, and get yourself killed, go ahead. But feeling sorry for yourself won't do you any good...


Oh my GODDESS I finished my rant. Sorry about that, folks. I've just been really annoyed with this so I had to get it out of my system. As you can tell, I'm sick. I'm so sick that Ensure is starting to taste good! HELP ME!

-Unknown Athena

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with your rant, you said it perfectly. For me starving myself NEVER works and most importantly it's not a lifestyle change. I can't starve myself forever and so the weight will naturally come all right back.
    I want to lose it healthily :)
