Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A Won Failure for Me!

Hey guys! My week has been decent so far. I have a science test 8th period that I barely studied for, and an outline for an essay for Romeo and Juliet due tomorrow. Yesterday, I went to a track meet, home, us against the town next to us. Their guys were really fast, and wrecked our guys. Our cgirls killed their girls. I did high jump and discus. For high jump, I jumped 3'6", which sucked. My seed is 4'6"... For discus, my best was 48'8". I'm not sure which place I got, but I know I wasn't last! My twin brother did well in his events too. I'm so jealous of him; he can literally eat ANYTHING he wants to eat, from salad to cookies to oil-drenched pizza and steak, and still doesn't gain weight! So many guys think that a girl's dream is to meet their perfect man. BULLSHIT. A girl's number 1 dream is to be able to eat anything they want and not get fat!

-Unknown Athena

1 comment:

  1. my little brother is the same way (little as in younger, he a lot taller than me)He loves food and eats a lot. Its kind of nice cause I can always give him my goodies so I don't get tempted.

    I've thought about the dream to be able to eat anything you want without gaining. Just think how many people wouldn't have an eating disorder.
    But as great as that sounds I still think thats as likly to happen as meeting prince charming. Not too likely. :/
