Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sophomore Year = HELLLLLLLLLL

   So I haven't posted in a while... Please don't shoot me! I've been SO busy. The homework load for Algebra 2/Trig., AP World, Chemistry, Spanish and Studio Art are MASSIVE. I have a problem set, textbook work in AP World and A2T, a lab for Chemistry to finish, a million and six verbs to memorize for Spanish 3, and finish a bunch of sketchbook things for art.

   Oh yeah, and I have 3 hours of volleyball a day, and games go on until around 7-8 pm. And my mom makes me eat like a pig... And I'm on my period, so I'm fat as hell and I'm breaking out :(

   I want to crawl into a hole and come out only when high school is over for the year....

-Unknown Athena


  1. God, you're in Spanish 3 Sophmore year? That sucks man. I know how terrible high school is, but trust me, once you get into college, you'll wish you had as much control as in high school. In high school, I could sit and stare at the food that I was forced to take every day. In college, I have to sit in a small break room with nothing but a humming vending machine to break through my willpower and diminish my chances of ever cutting off this fat waste I call my body.
    Worship the food you're given and eat very little, very few amount and focus on homework instead of eating <3 It's what I've been using lately.
    Love and hugs dear, stay strong.
    PS: Sorry about the rant lol

  2. I'm a sophomore too and though i dont take trig or AP world I have most of the same classes as you. I have found that if i slow down and do my home work, not eat while i do it i feel a little less stressed. I have sports before and after school too. I'm here to talk if you ever want to

  3. Im a sophomore too and it honestly sucks ass!!!! I take AP Euro so I feel your pain... and moms always push food down your throat when you are playing a unfair! Stay Strong :D
