So, my laptop's being a piece of poop... Again. My dad had spend MONTHS trying to fix it, but now it keeps crashing, so after an extremely long time of finding the moment when my brother's NOT on the computer, he finally gets up and does something productive (A.K.A. taking a shower). So now I am back for now, and I may post at will. The rest of November was good for me. Thanksgiving was small; my two cousins and aunt came over. It wasn't much but I made the stuffing myself ^^, and I made pumpkin pie pudding, which came out pretty good. Did I mention this stuff already to you guys? Sorry if I did...
And now it is December; the month of holidays; and shopping, and well... Getting fat. I'm getting a bit nervous for when Hanukkah comes around (fried latkes... *gulp*), and Christmas (my big fat Italian Christmas dinner = 12 courses... and dessert, can't forget that!),
and New Years Eve (thank the Gods I don't drink and am underage!!). So I may gain (or drop) a few pounds, which means my groups of "-ists" will not be very happy. Or they'll be jumping with joy. Either way, it's gonna be a rough month.
But on the bright side, I just finished wrapping my pet's gifts: two "Nylabones" and a little bag of treats for Delilah, a toy and bird seed-treat-thing of Sunshine (my kamikaze-esque parakeet), and a nut/fruit/veggie treat for each of my two guinea pigs; Pookie and Miley. I honestly don't want much for Christmas, so I'm not going to ransack the house with my twin brother to look for our gifts this year. Last year was.... Different, so I'm going to get super-duper festive this holiday season! I even helped put up and decorate the tree, and make the train tracks around the tree. My dad was over and he put batteries in the old train cars... The ones that used batteries, anyways. Out of the twenty-or-so that my parents kept from my brother's childhood, only two were electric and could move themselves. The rest are wooden and have chipped paint. I feel so old when I look at them, but I'm only 14 years old! Eep!
-Unknown Athena
(P.S. This was written a week ago, but it wouldn't post, so...)