Alright, I dunno if I mentioned this in any previous posts, but I got this lovely friend. Her name's Olivia. She's a blogger, too. And over the past week, two, I can't remember, we've been doing this project in Social Studies called "The American Dream". Basically we research a "minority" that isn't getting their fair chance at the American Dream (whatever
that is...). She researched gay-Americans, like me, only she made hers better, and posted it on her
lovely blog. You can see it
right here, don't be shy. She only took dibs on, oh I dunno,
a gazillion people. Yeah, she's amazing. Follow her, and me too, 'cause we're just that cool.
Oh yeah, and if you hate on LGBT (lesbian-gay-bi-transgenders), you suck. Honestly, we're all human, we can do what we want. It says so in our dear friend's
amazing work. I know, I've already linked it, but serously, it
is an eye-opening piece of work. That thing should be put in the New York Times it's so good. Poor Olivia, she must be screaming into her computer that I'm making it seem like such a big deal.
But it is a big deal. If you have any sort of say and/or argument to put up, just comment and we'll talk }:). If it's nice, I'll be like this: :), but if not: }:). Yeah...
-Unknown Athena
P.S. Is there any other groups you think aren't being treated right? Who? I like to know...